Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ancient Chinese Baby Gender

1) Ancient Chinese Gender Calculation
Click here for Chinese Lunar Calendar conversion!



49 and 19 are fixed number. MC= Month of Conception; MA= Mother's Chinese age. If X is an 'odd number', it is very likely a baby boy; if X is an 'even number', it chances for a baby girl is higher.

If mama's chinese age is 30 when conceiving Little Brother and the month of conception was on the 11th month of the lunar calendar, the calculation is as per the following:


(49 is an 'odd number', which means Little Brother will very likely be a boy)

2) Manipulating 'Odd' and 'Even'
To conceive baby boy, if mother's chinese age in even number, month of conception has to be odd number, and vice versa.
Whilst to conceive baby girl, mother's chinese age in even number, month of conception has to be even number as well, and vice versa.

3) Chinese Birth ChartThe chinese birth chart below cross references the mother's chinese/lunar age with the chinese months of conception to determine the sex of the baby(B=Boy; G=Girl).

Scientific and Logical Methods:

1) The Shettles Method
A brief biological overview: When a woman ovulates, the egg or ovum carries X chromosome, while sperms may carry either X or Y chromosome. If X sperm fertilized the ovum, the embryo will develop into a girl(XX). If Y sperm(Androsperm) fertilized the ovum, the embryo will develop into a boy(XY)! Y sperm is smaller in size and faster than Y sperm, but it's less resilient and unable to withstand the acidic pH level of the vagina. X sperm(Gynosperm) is larger and slower, but more resilient and capable of enduring vaginal environments. Hrm... sound exactly like the characteristic of men and women right (Chuckle)!

Thus the Shettles method controls:
  1. Timing intercourse in relation to ovulation date : The vagina and cervical environments become less acidic right before or during ovulation, due to the increase of cervical mucus, which creates a more alkalic environment to help Y sperms survive longer.
  2. Use of sexual position
  3. Depth of male penetration
To conceive baby boy:

1. Men should abstain from masturbation or intercourse for 5-7 days prior to the date of conception. The idea is to provide privilege for Y sperm to beat X sperm in terms of quantity. It's essential to preserve the quality of sperms, thus men should never abstain for more than 7 days!
2. Intercourse should take place during ovulation.
3. Women should consume foods high in potassium for 7 days prior to intercourse as this would help reduce the acidity in blood (Mama didn't practice this dietary rule).
4. Men should take cold baths ...avoid warm/hot baths (higher body temperature will adversely effect sperms' mobility).
5. Women should reach orgasm(sexual climax) as frequent as possible right before or during intercourse. Orgasm enhances secretion of cervical mucus, hence reduces acidity of vaginal environments.
6. Deep penetration position e.g. Doggy style.. this will shorten the route with which the sperms need to travel hence increasing the chances of fertilisation of Y sperms.
To conceive baby girl:

1. It is not necessary for Men to abstain from intercourse prior to conception.
2. Intercourse should take place 3 days prior to ovulation.
3. Women should consume foods high in acid for 7 days prior to intercourse.
4. Men should take warm baths to deminish Y sperm.
5. Women should avoid orgasm or orgasm after intercourse.
6. Choose missionary position (women on top position) to deposit the sperm further away from the cervix.

In order to determine the exact ovulation date, mama prefers this inexpensive ovulation predictor kits (available over the pharmacy counter that comes with 4 testers), which correlates 100% to ovulation besides tracking basal body temperature and monitor cervical mucus.

It's more likely for couples to conceive with a "smart baby" if they could really enjoy their intimacy!! A compilation of the above methods brought "miracles" to papa and mama, we hope it would bring "miracles" to others too!

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